Some folks chew the dried root for its anti-viral properties. It has been shown to be effective against fungi such as Candida Albican which is a primary yeast infection that can be focal or systemic. It is effective against diseases of the urinary organs.
One of the few plants with scented leaves that is a native
of Northern Europe. Even on sandy soils it attains 6-8 feet. Angelica seed loses its germinating properties rapidly and it is therefore best to buy plants, for these, in three years‘ time, will seed themselves abundantly. Angelica is best planted in autumn, but, if raising from seed, sow it as soon as ripe in drills an inch deep. Thin out the first year to 6 inches apart and the following year to 18 inches apart. During the 16 and 17th centuries angelica was combined with other herbs to make "Carmelite water", a medieval drink thought to cure headache, promote relaxation, and long life, and protect against poisons and witches' spells. After the bacterial theory was proven in relation to the bubonic plaque of 1665 it was realized that Angelica had antibacterial properties. |