Elecampane has actions, which are expectorant, anti-tussive, sedative, anti-fungal, relaxing, warming, and anti-microbial. Elecampane can soothe bronchial tube linings and act as an expectorant for lung cleansing.
One of the handsomest perennials attaining 8 feet, with
golden flowers 3 inches across. The plants should be spaced at least 3 feet apart, for when only a few years old they make roots so heavy that it requires considerable strength to lift them. They are best propagated by cutting up the roots into sections, each section with an ‘eye' (growing point) They seed themselves, but not abundantly. and collected seed is apt to geminate poorly. Succeed in any soil but needs full sun. Elecampane, also known as horse heal and marchalan, is a plant common in Great Britain, central and southern Europe, and Asia. Elecampane, has been long valued as an effective respiratory support herb, even being listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine use elecampane for bronchitis and asthma, as did ancient Greeks and Romans. In the 1800’s, lozenges, candy, and cough drops were all produced from elecampane root. |