Herb Patience
Perennial, 6 feet, closely related to Dock and Sorrel.
Formerly much grown in monastic gardens, but the flavour is rather too pungent for modern taste. Saw the seed in spring or autumn in drills half an inch deep. Thin to 15 inches apart. The plant seeds itself abundantly and does well in any soil, either in sun or part shade. Herb Patience is also called Monk’s rhubarb. It is native to continental Europe. This dock is eaten as a leafy green vegetable in Eastern Europe, as spinach is. You can eat it cooked or raw, It can be used as a salad green, although it is best to mix it with other green leaves such as sorrel for a better flavour An infusion of the root has been used in traditional systems of medicine to relieve constipation and the juice of the plant in the root infusion is used for skin problems. The leaves, rubbed in the mouth are said to afford some relief from sore throats.. |