Chamomile is an age-old medicinal herb known in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Chamomile's popularity grew throughout the Middle Ages when people turned to it as a remedy for numerous medical complaints including asthma, colic, fevers, inflammations, nausea, nervous complaints, children's ailments, skin diseases ... As a popular remedy, it may be thought of as the European counterpart of the Chinese tonic Ginseng.
Perennial, in common use at one time and once again
returning to favour for making Chamomile lawns and walks, the interest in which is now reviving. Lawns and paths made from the single-flowered Chamomile need exactly the same treatment as grass, i.e. fortnightly mowing and rolling. Double Chamomile should be cut with the shears once in the season and this is best done in May when the flower stalks begin to grow lanky, as shearing down the plants encourages mat-like growth. Chamomiles succeed on any soil, but both the single and double forms need to be kept scrupulously free of weeds. The double Chamomile is usually starred with small white flowers all through the season and this adds to its attraction. Propagate in spring or autumn by division of roots, and, in planting out for a lawn or path. allow one plant to every square foot, as they spread rapidly. |